The InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) is a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. IPFS enables the creation of completely distributed applications. It aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open. IPFS enables completely decentralized and distributed apps. And it now supports fully dynamic apps, like real-time chat!


1. IPFS Alpha Demo 2015

An overview and demo of the go-ipfs alpha.

2. TED: The next Internet Revolution - Juan Benet

Juan explains why the web is in danger and how there’s an open source movement focused on creating a new way of sharing knowledge is building the Interplanetary Files System (IPFS).

3. Distributed Apps with IPFS 2016

This talk breaks down how to build a dynamic app on top of IPFS with CRDTs, pub/sub, and slick UIs. It also delves into new models for distributed computation, and the ethical importance of distributing the web.

4. IPFS Hands on Introduction 2015

This is a Hands on Introduction to IPFS.

5. The Decentralized Web, IPFS and Filecoin 2016

Recorded at the Silicon Valley Ethereum Meetup - October 22nd, 2016